Westchester Digital Summit


The Westchester Digital Summit is a global gathering of the most innovative minds in the digital economy today.  Interact with celebrities, professional athletes, geniuses, the most compelling personalities changing the way our culture interacts with businesses online.

At the Westchester Digital Summit 2013, you will:

  • Interact with the digital brand leaders at the tip of the spear of online business and the agency and service provider experts who are helping them close the digital divide between business and consumers today
  • Delve into the mindset of those who are in the public eye and better understand how digital media has influence how they promote, manage and curate their online content.
  • Learn how social media is changing how we engage with your consumer, how they perceive your brand, and how you can become a part of the conversation already happening about your brand online.

Our experts will teach you how to generate results via digital marketing, and arm you with the tools you need to succeed today. You will hear from the most diverse group of media personalities ever assembles in an Westchester conference.  You will meet:

  • Former Professional Athletes
  • Media Personalities
  • News Anchors
  • Social Media Experts
  • Digital Innovators
  • New York Times Best Selling Authors

They are there to share their stories, exchange ideas, and help you leave a better digital marketer in todays every changing world. You will leave the Westchester Digital Summit with the tools you need to reinvigorate your business.

We maintain a limited set of public tickets to the summit for those who see the unique value in contributing to Westchester Digital Summit’s community at the leading edge of Business. Register now, because these slots will fill quickly and, once sold, will not be refreshed.



What is Gary Vaynerchuk all about?  What will you learn from Gary?  Watch this:


Gary Vaynerchuk on Piers Morgan Tonight Speaking about his book, The Thank You Economy 


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