Westchester Digital Summit

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Hi there – my name is Chris Dessi CEO of Silverback Social.  About a year ago I conceived of the idea to produce The Westchester Digital Summit.  This year we’re making it a reality.  This will be

Chris Dessi

Chris Dessi

According to 2006 HUD data, the median income for a household of one person in the county was $75,427 and the median income for a family of four was $96,500. Westchester County ranks number two (number one being New York County) for wealthiest counties in New York State and the seventh wealthiest county nationally. Westchester County has long been associated with “old money” and some of the country’s wealthiest families for generations. (source: wikipedia). 

We are a suburb of what is arguable the greatest city in the world, and we will play host to the greatest digital minds in the world.

I’m honored to be the first to bring national digital marketing techniques to the greater New York, New Jersey and Connecticut area.  I’m also honored to be working with Zanzarella Marketing Consultants to help bring you this epic summit.  The first step after partnering with the team at Zanzarella Marketing Consultants was to commission my mentor in social media, Gary Vaynerchuk as our keynote.  I heard Gary speak back in 2008 and he changed my life.   I was a complacent Vice President of Sales, and was miserable.  He woke me up, and I know he will do the same for you, if you choose to attend our event.  I’m compiling an all-star roster of speakers and panelists.  Our venue holds 3000.

I take the responsibility of this summit very seriously, and will work my best at providing our area with the most dynamic digital marketers in the world.  We will host many from outside the area, and this is a wonderful thing. Bringing ideas from the global digital  perspective will only help to stimulate our minds, and our economy.

Join me.  Please email me personally at chrisdessi@silverbacksocial.com with questions, or call me directly at 646 645 4171. You can also find me on Twitter: @cdessi or on Facebook

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